Maid No
Type of maid
個人紀錄 Personal Data
Maid number 傭工編號 JC241018-AG01 Type of maid 傭工類型 Oversea
Name 傭工姓名 MA. THERESE Finish contract date
Nationality 國籍 Filipino Education 教育程度 Senior High School 高中
Date of Birth 出生日期 1987 / 兔 / 處女座 Religion 宗教 Christian 基督教
Age 年齡 37 Weight 體重 52 kg
Marital Status 婚姻狀況 Single Parent 單親父母 Height 高度 5'1 feet
Family Background 家庭背景
Spouse's Name 配偶 Sibling 兄弟姐妹數目 4
Occupation 配偶職業 Age of children 子女年齡 兒子Son ( 1 ), Age ( 17 )
女兒Daughter ( 2 ), Age ( 13, 15 )
Working Experience 工作經驗
No experience
Care of new born babies照顧嬰兒
Care of children 照顧小童
Taking care of elderly 老人護理
Taking care of disable 照顧傷殘
House Work 家務
Cooking 烹飪
Pet Care 照顧寵物
Car washing 洗車
Gardening 護理花園
Language Ability 語文能力

Remark 備註 (評語只供參考)
Cantonese 廣東話
English 英語
Mandarin 普通話
Domestic Helper Employment Record 工作記錄
Country Experience
Hong Kong 香港 4 years 9MONTHS  Middle East 中東   Other 其他
Singapore 新加坡   Saudi Arabia 沙特亞拉伯   4 years 9 months : Hong Kong 
Taiwan 台灣   Indonesia 印尼  
Malaysia 馬拉  3 years  Philippines 菲律賓   
Maid No 傭工編號: JC241018-AG01
Duties Priority 工作意向
Taking care of babies
Taking care of children
Taking care of elderly
Car washing
Pet Care
Tutoring children
Taking care of disable
Last Employer 上任僱主
Location 工作地點 MALAYSIA Working period 工作日期 2012 - 2015
Size of house 單位面積 2,200 sq. No of person served 僱主家庭人數 4
Holiday arrangement 放假安排 SATURDAY, SUNDAY No. of Maid in the family 傭工數目 2
Last salary 工資 2,000 RM Reason of leaving 離職原因 FINISHED CONTRACT
Take care of babies 照顧嬰兒:
Take care of children 照顧小孩: 9,13YRS OLD
Take care of elderly 照顧老人:
Take care of disabled 照顧傷殘:
Other 其他:
House work 一般家務
Hand-Washing Clothes 手洗衣服
Gardening 護理花園
Share Room 與他人共用房間
Pet Care 照顧寵物:
Go to market 街巿買餸
Car wash 洗車: 1
Cooking 烹飪:
Previous Employer 前任僱主
Location 工作地點 HONGKONG Working period 工作日期 2016 - 2020
Size of house 單位面積 CONDO No of person served 僱主家庭人數 4
Holiday arrangement 放假安排 SATURDAY No. of Maid in the family 傭工數目 1
Last salary 工資 4700HKD Reason of leaving 離職原因 FINISHED CONTRACT
Take care of babies 照顧嬰兒: NEWBORN
Take care of children 照顧小孩: 2YRS OLD
Take care of elderly 照顧老人:
Take care of disabled 照顧傷殘:
Other 其他:
House work 一般家務
Hand-Washing Clothes 手洗衣服
Gardening 護理花園
Share Room 與他人共用房間
Pet Care 照顧寵物:
Go to market 街巿買餸
Car wash 洗車:
Cooking 烹飪: Chinese中
Previous Employer 前任僱主
Location 工作地點 HONGKONG Working period 工作日期 2015-10 - 2016-06
Size of house 單位面積 CONDO No of person served 僱主家庭人數 3
Holiday arrangement 放假安排 WEEKDAYS No. of Maid in the family 傭工數目 1
Last salary 工資 4350 HKD Reason of leaving 離職原因 BREAK CONTRACT LACK OF FOOD
Take care of babies 照顧嬰兒: 1MONTH TILL 9MONTHS
Take care of children 照顧小孩:
Take care of elderly 照顧老人:
Take care of disabled 照顧傷殘:
Other 其他:
House work 一般家務
Hand-Washing Clothes 手洗衣服
Gardening 護理花園
Share Room 與他人共用房間
Pet Care 照顧寵物:
Go to market 街巿買餸
Car wash 洗車:
Cooking 烹飪: Chinese中
Non-Domestic Employment Record 非家庭傭工的工作紀錄
Countries 國家 Period 期間 (M/Y - M/Y) Duties 工作內容 Salary 薪金
Maid No 傭工編號: JC241018-AG01
General Information 一般諮詢 Yes 是 No 否
1. Are you willing to eat Chinese food same as employer?
2. Do you eat pork?
3. Day off is usually on Sunday, but if the employer request, would you like to change the day off to another day?
4. Can you promise no visitor is allowed without consent of your employer?
5. Can you promise to dress properly and without any make up while working?
你可以承諾在工作時穿著得體, 沒有化妝嗎?
6. Can you promise to keep your personal hygiene and take a bath before sleep?
7. Are you willing to go with your employer if they travel to other country?
8. Can you sewing and mending clothes?
9. Are you afraid of dogs, cats or other pets?
你害怕狗, 貓或其牠寵物嗎?
10. Do you smoke?
11. Can you drive vehicle?
12. Can you prepare a family dinner by yourself?
13. Are you good at cooking Chinese food?
14. Can you go to market to buy food buy by yourself?
15. Are you willing to share a room with children or an elderly person?
16. Are you willing to work in the family that has another house maid?
17. Do you have tattoos? If yes, which part of your body?
你身上有紋身嗎? 如有,在哪個部位?
I hereby confirm that all information and answers given above are true and correct. I have no objection for the Hong Kong agency to disclose my personal data to prospective employers for promotion purpose. I know any false information given by me may result in my repatriation back to my country of origin at my own expenses.
我在此確認上述所有信息和答案都是真實無誤的. 我不反對香港機構向潛在僱主披露我的個人資料以作推廣用途. 我知道如提供任何虛假資料可導致被遣返回原籍國.
Name and Signature of Applicant (Same as passport): MA. THERESE
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